Thursday, 24 May 2012

End Of Story


Hye semua...hidy baru jer balik kerja ni rasa macam nak update blog plak...Tadi ada incident yang hidy tak tau nak handle diri hidy...Adalah seorang adik ni..dulu dia ada juga tolong hidy dekat lab...But after certain time dia suka sangat buat muka dengan hidy..Hidy macam pelik jugalah..Apsal dia nak buat muka dengan hidykan...Rupa-rupanya adik ni macam cemburu kot hidy ada rapat dengan sorang colleague hidy ni...Hidy takda pape pun cuma mungkin dia rasa insecure kot...So hidy just buat bodo jela and ignore je sikap adik ni ngn hidy..We just ignore each other for around 2 month kot..

Today was a last day for her working at my factory. It just akward when she came to my table and i don't know what she planned to do. But my friend said today was a last day for her. And i just said "so?". After that i just going back to my office and hope she will come upstair and apologize to me. Maybe I'm a bit ego but i think she the one  that need to apologize to me. I`ve no problem to her and we just ok last time. Because of this man we just ignoring each other. So today will end of story about her and maybe i will not see her anymore. I just want to wish you all the best in your study and be a good person to everyone. 

Hoho...Kan hidy da speaking london...huhu...Macam pelik jekan...Sebab benda yang remeh temeh ni hidy boleh terasa. Yes..Hidy mengaku hidy memang cepat sensitif. Takpela...asalkan each other tahu kitaorang dah saling memahami. Hari ni super super penat sebab bos hidy bagi kerja banyak sebelum diorang nak blah g oversea...Will be heaven for me next week...=)

Tomorrow mesti hidy sunyi..Hidy akan mulai rasa kehilangan. Hope he didn't get that job and boleh teman hidy lagi disini...huhu...Nope...Hidy tak boleh pentingkan diri hidy..I've to let him go...


  1. pompuan memang kuat cemburu walaupun hanya ngan member.takleh rapat sket pon,mulalah.aiyoooo

  2. hahahaha...lumrah lan..xleh nk lawan hukum alam...

  3. xpe dah tamat kisah girl tue kan.. hehe... so kwn hidy tue dpt kerja lain ke??

  4. dia da dapat da kerja lain cik tom...=)
